
Tag: cryptocurrency

4 Ways to Invest in Cryptocurrency Without Holding Tokens

Nearly a decade ago, the cryptocurrency world made history with the launch of Coinbase, one of the first professionally managed exchange platforms dedicated to...

Google Partnership With New Token Sparked Rally

Google Partnership with a blockchain token that runs on the Google Cloud Platform, made waves on the cryptocurrency markets, and reports suggest that it...

Central Bank of China is Working on a Sovereign Digital Currency

The People’s Central Bank of China is reportedly putting the final touches on a cryptocurrency that seems to be very similar to Project Libra,...

A Less Than Enthusiastic Outlook for Litecoin Since Last Halving Event

Litecoin, one of the earliest Bitcoin clones, completed a process known as "halving" in early August, 2019, which means that miners stand to be...

Iran Legalizes and Regulates Cryptocurrency Mining

The Islamic Republic of Iran has formally moved to recognize Cryptocurrency Mining of digital currencies a legitimate economic activity, but miners are not entirely...

Fugitive John McAfee Plans Ambitious Cuban Cryptocurrency Project

The founder of the antivirus software industry is currently in Cuba evading American revenue enforcement agents, but this situation has not stopped him from...

What You Should Know About the Facebook Blockchain Project

Do you know about Facebook Blockchain Project? If you have seen the film "The Social Network," which is based on a book about the...

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